Help excluded women & children protect themselves against COVID

By Help excluded women & children protect themselves against COVID

The COVID 19 pandemic marks an unprecedented time in modern days that requires the best of humanity to overcome the crisis. The curfew and partial lockdown in the state of Andhra Pradesh has drastically affected the lives and livelihood of all categories of people in the society.

Many sex workers don’t have even the money to afford food since the curfew and partial lockdown was announced in the state. Since the savings of these sex workers are meager/nil, there is no other source to finance their daily expenses. And they are hard-pressed by the owners to pay rent for the houses they live in. Children have hardly two meals a day and many times are left to be malnourished. Further those who are already suffering from HIV and on ART are essentially in need of proper nutrition.

In an effort to bridge this gap, HELP organisation has partnered with Touch-a-life to raise funds to providing medical Kits (Home isolation medicines for one week, Oximeter, Thermometers, hygiene material etc) to these excluded women & children in COVID who are refer home isolation.

We need your support to reach out to these areas. All you gotta do is click and contribute towards strengthening the healthcare system among women in prostitution.

*Please join us in our efforts to battle the Covid-19 pandemic and amplify our efforts by sharing this message with your friends and family. Come on India, let’s fight this battle together!*