Ensure social security to the Sex Workers in the state of Andhra Pradesh – VIMUKTHI


Mrs. Rajani and Jyothi – Vice Presidents of VIMUKTHI have appreciated the government for its concern over the issues of transgender community and allocating special funds for their social security recently. But, as per the government data through Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society, there are 1.33 lakh sex workers in the state. But, VIMUKTHI leaders affirmed that there are two folds of women and children are in vicious cycle of prostitution in reality in the state. As per the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 2596 women and children belongs to A.P. have been rescued from trafficking since 2016 – 2021.

In 2003 the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has issued GO.MS.No. 1/2003 as per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court to provide rehabilitation and other social support services to the rescued survivors of trafficking and victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (sex workers) and their children. They agonised that, they said GO almost disappeared in serving its purpose right from the bifurcation of the state in the year 2015. Moreover, the government has not allocated even a single rupee for the implementation of the said GO.

The VIMUKTHI leaders appealed the state government to take immediate steps to reinforce the GO.MS.No. 1/2003 through necessary amendments including incorporating the provisions for Community Based Rehabilitation and also urged to appoint a special committee at state level involving the survivors also as members of the committee for effective implementation of the said GO.MS.No. 1.

VIMUKTHI leaders have pleaded the government in their representation to support survivors of trafficking and sex workers with immediate effect through allocating a special quota for them under Nava Ratnalu schemes and also to ensure the participation of survivors of human trafficking in designing the activities and interventions by the state for prevention of human trafficking.

Note: we are here with attached VIMUKTHI representation letter to CM for your ready reference

About HELP:

HELP is a voluntary organisation mentoring VIMUKTHI (A State level forum of sex workers and survivors of trafficking) in its mission for socio-economic empowerment of sex workers and survivors of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. HELP is working over two decades for the prevention of human trafficking and also protection and welfare of women and children in vulnerable conditions in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

For any clarifications please contact – Mr. Nimmaraju Ram Mohan @ 99497 23666 Mr Bhaskar – Programme Manager – HELP @ 9949688014